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Growing Language For Infants And Toddlers - Online Course

Growing Language For Infants And Toddlers - Online Course
Item: 37834
Status: Electronic Delivery
Kaplan Exclusive
Watching the development of language in young children is truly inspiring. From day one, an infant begins trying to figure out the code that sets humans apart from other creatures. Learning to talk is one of the marvels of human development. This online course focuses on the developmental sequence of expressive language, understanding the child's form of communication, and provides strategies for families and teachers to support language development. Course content is based on Kaplan Early Learning Company’s curriculum Learn Every Day: The Program for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos, and aligned with the CDA® Subject Area 2: Advancing children's physical and intellectual development. (Topic: Language, Literacy, Child Development, Curriculum. Age: Infants - toddlers.) This is a 3-hour, online course.

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